Keep calm and press the space bar

​​In these pictures, the liquid oxygen is on the left and liquid hydrogen on the right.
​Liquid oxygen
Hydro sensor to gas shutoff: below 450
Hyrdro sensor to liquid pump: above 250
Liquid pipe thermo sensor: above -190
Liquid valve: 9000g/s
Liquid hydrogen
Hydro sensor to gas shutoff: below 850
Hyrdro sensor to liquid pump: above 250
Liquid pipe thermo sensor: above -255
Liquid valve: 9000g/s
Build materials:
Make the aquatuners out of steel
Use ceramic for the insulated liquid pipes
Use super coolant in the liquid cooling loops
Use ceramic insulated tiles for the "T" section of wall in-between the liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, and aquatuner room (preferable but not necessary)
Use hydrogen in the steam turbine cooling loop
The steam turbine can only handle the initial cooling down of one liquid at a time, so fire up the oxygen and hydrogen separately. (Once running it can handle both.)
The pumps need to be running constantly to prevent damage from state changes.
Keep the liquid reservoirs in a vacuum. To be extra safe regarding temperature transfer, build the liquid reservoirs on mesh tiles.
This design uses a self-cooling method for the steam turbine If you implement this cooling method, run the gas pipes through the wall of the liquid oxygen section of the build, not the liquid hydrogen section.
This design uses a pool of liquid oxygen and hydrogen (in the area around the liquid pumps) to even out temperature fluctuations from the aquatuner cooling the gases.
In the guide linked below you can also see a presentation of a larger version of this build.
Design by Francis John
Source: "Liquid Oxygen and Hydrogen : Tutorial nuggets : Oxygen not included", by Francis John. Available at:, accessed 6 September, 2020