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So you've fired up the game. You've enjoyed it.

By now you will have probably noticed a few things. Like that dupes are so ridiculously cute they make puppies seem grotesque in comparison.

And that, like puppies, leaving dupes unsupervised will at best lead to suspicious yellow puddles in your clean water tank, and at worst to inexplicably bizarre, accidental suffocation and premature death.

My goal here is not to speculate as to the motivations behind the inherent death-wish of dupes. (We must convince ourselves it is nothing to do with us and move on.) Rather, my goal is to offer some basic tips as to how you can keep at least some of them from doing something embarrassing. Or fatal. At least for a few cycles.

Let's start with some basics.


Your first source of power will be the hamster wheel. Which officially is called _____. You will find it under ___ in the ___ menu.

While a dupe pedals on the hamster wheel it generates power. (400Kw of power - but you don't have to remember that.)

If you connect, for instance, a lamp to the hamster wheel then the light will stay on for as long as a dupe is pedaling on it. As soon as the dupe stops pedaling, the light goes out.

If you connect an oxygenator to the hamster wheel, then it will continue producing oxygen for as long as a dupe is pedaling on the hamster wheel. When they stop pedaling, for instance when it is time to go to bed, the oxygen thing stops working.

This is unproblematic as long as your dupes are fine with only breathing part of the day. Which they aren't.

That is why the first thing to know about batteries is to store energy in batteries. Simply hook up a battery to the hamster wheel. Then anything also connected to that battery can keep being powered for as long as the charge in the battery lasts.

As the carbon dioxide levels rise and your plants start to overheat and die, you begin to question your decision to print quite so many dupes quite so quickly.

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